Solutions Go in search of plunder has 32 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- gadGo from one place to another in search of pleasure
- 4-letter words
- huntSearch
- sackPlunder
- seekSearch
- 5-letter words
- questSearch
- riflePlunder
- bootyPlunder
- 6-letter words
- preyedPlundered
- rapinePlundering
- ravagePlunder
- 7-letter words
- pillagePlunder
- ransackPlunder
- despoilPlunder
- 8-letter words
- scavengeSearch for scraps
- look-forSearch
- ravagingPlundering
- 9-letter words
- rapaciousPlundering
- plundererInvader in search of loot
- maraudingRoving in quest of plunder
- 10-letter words
- cast-aboutSearch far and wide
- muckrakingThe searching out and publishing of scandal
- ferret-outDiscovered by determined searching
- 11-letter words
- bingo-wingssearcher, due foremost on snowdon, flaps
- cast-aroundSearch far and wide
- 12-letter words
- velociraptorBipedal dinosaur whose name means swift plunderer
- run-to-earthFind after searching
- talent-scoutOne searching for skilled youngsters
- 13-letter words
- kerb-crawlingDriving slowly along the edge of the road in search of a prostitute
- treasure-huntGame in which players search for hidden objects by following a trail of clues
- 14-letter words
- riffle-throughSearch quickly through
- 15-letter words
- cast-a-net-wideSearch a long area
- 20-letter words
- it-remained-untracedIt was not found even after a thorough search