Solutions Grains of quartz has 13 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- oatsCereal grains
- 5-letter words
- agatestriped quartz
- topazYellow quartz
- 6-letter words
- silicaOxide occurring as quartz used in making glass
- glutenProtein found in wheat and grains
- 7-letter words
- scruplehesitate on moral grounds - to prescribe twenty grains?
- graniteIgneous rock, generally composed of feldspar, mica, and quartz
- granaryOf bread containing whole grains of wheat
- 8-letter words
- semolinahard grains used in puddings and pasta
- amethystTransparent bluish quartz
- 9-letter words
- wild-riceA tall American grass with edible grains
- 10-letter words
- polynologyStudy of ancient pollen grains
- 12-letter words
- rock-crystalTransparent quartz