Solutions Growth on digit has 34 entries with similar clues
- toeFoot digit
- onesbinary digits
- algapond growth
- mossForest growth
- thumbStubby digit
- wartsSkin growths
- fingerDigit
- spongeMarine growth
- e-mailDigital message
- stubbleBristly growth
- seaweedMarine growth
- increaseGrowth
- foxgloveDigitalis
- rosebushThorny growth
- accretionGrowth through slow additions
- luxuriantProfuse in growth
- thyroxineGrowth hormones
- acromegalyAbnormal growth of hands and feet
- fingernaildigital protection that's reduced by using certain files?
- overgrowthExcessive growth
- gopaperlesstransition from printed files to digital ones
- cornplasterTreatment for unwanted growth repaired torn carpels
- nail-polishShiny fluid applied to the tips of one's digits
- somatotropinGrowth hormones
- green-shootsEarly sign of plant growth
- nail-varnishShiny fluid applied to the tips of one's digits
- little-fingerFifth digit of hand
- middle-fingerLongest digit
- thyroid-glandGlands regulating growth
- computer-virusSoftware program capable of causing harm to digital files
- pituitary-glandGlands regulating growth
- dendrochronologyA technique of dating material based on the investigation of annual growth rings in tree trunks
- anabolic-steroidA synthetic hormone used to promote muscle growth and illegally enhance performance
- five-oclock-shadowA slight growth of beard on a man's chin several hours after he has shaved