taser Solutions Gun firing electrified barbs has 7 entries with similar clues 3-letter wordseelElectrified fish6-letter wordssaluteCeremonial firing of guns8-letter wordshowitzerGun firing shells at a steep angle10-letter wordsair-pistolGun firing pellet by nonexplosive meansquick-fireGun firing shots in rapid succession11-letter wordsemplacementA platform on which a gun is placed for firing15-letter wordspointed-remarksBarbs
Solutions Gun firing electrified barbs has 7 entries with similar clues 3-letter wordseelElectrified fish6-letter wordssaluteCeremonial firing of guns8-letter wordshowitzerGun firing shells at a steep angle10-letter wordsair-pistolGun firing pellet by nonexplosive meansquick-fireGun firing shots in rapid succession11-letter wordsemplacementA platform on which a gun is placed for firing15-letter wordspointed-remarksBarbs