Solutions Happening in actuality has 27 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- luauhawaii happening
- bilkPrevent from happening
- uhuh"not happening"
- 5-letter words
- eventHappening
- avertKeep from happening
- recurkeep happening
- 6-letter words
- thwartPrevent from happening
- eventsOccurrences, happenings
- annualHappening every year
- 7-letter words
- bygonesPast happenings
- tragedyDreadful happening
- currentHappening now
- 8-letter words
- incidentHappening
- sub-rosaHappening in secret
- aleatoryHappening by chance
- 9-letter words
- recurrentHappening repeatedly
- phenomenaHappenings
- continualHappening constantly
- 10-letter words
- concurrentHappening at the same time
- occasionalHappening from time to time
- fortuitousHappening by chance
- 11-letter words
- isochronousHappening at the same time
- synchronousHappening at the same time
- contretempsInopportune happening
- 12-letter words
- subterraneanHappening under the earth's surface
- simultaneousHappening at the same time
- adventitiousHappening by chance