Solutions Heavy has 33 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- tonHeavy weight
- taxMake heavy demands on
- alimuhammad —, late undisputed world heavyweight boxing champion from 1974-78
- 4-letter words
- onusHeavy load
- bootHeavy shoe
- tomeHeavy book
- 5-letter words
- flumpA heavy fall
- lightNot heavy
- 6-letter words
- wallopA heavy blow
- stodgeheavy food
- weightHeavy load
- 7-letter words
- lighterLess heavy
- cropperHeavy fall
- basssaxHeavy wind
- 8-letter words
- gauntletHeavy glove
- drunkardHeavy drinker
- downpourHeavy rainfall
- 9-letter words
- tarpaulinHeavy waterproof cover
- fustigateBeat with a heavy stick or club
- artilleryHeavy guns of a military unit
- 10-letter words
- cloudburstheavy downpour
- clodhopperA large heavy shoe
- 11-letter words
- clapped-outWorn-out due to age or heavy use
- hard-labourHeavy manual work as a punishment
- haemorrhageHeavy bleeding
- 12-letter words
- quarterstaffA heavy pole of six to eight feet long formerly used as a weapon
- sledgehammerA large and heavy hammer used by the blacksmith
- led-zeppelinEnglish heavy metal group, founded 1968
- 14-letter words
- sumo-wrestlingJapanese heavy weight sport
- george-foremanFormer world heavyweight boxing champion who endorsed a line in Russell Hobbs grills
- 15-letter words
- beast-of-burdenAnimal carrying heavy loads
- cartridge-paperSmooth heavy paper used for drawings
- deuterium-oxideHeavy water