crack-cocaine Solutions Highly addictive drug has 6 entries with similar clues 5-letter wordsopiumAddictive narcotic6-letter wordsheroinHighly addictive narcotic7-letter wordscocaineAddictive narcotic8-letter wordsnicotineAddictive substance in tobacco10-letter wordsantagonistDrug to counteract the effects of another drug11-letter wordscold-turkeySudden withdrawal of addictive drug
Solutions Highly addictive drug has 6 entries with similar clues 5-letter wordsopiumAddictive narcotic6-letter wordsheroinHighly addictive narcotic7-letter wordscocaineAddictive narcotic8-letter wordsnicotineAddictive substance in tobacco10-letter wordsantagonistDrug to counteract the effects of another drug11-letter wordscold-turkeySudden withdrawal of addictive drug