Solutions Hung in folds has 30 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- woewe are hungry - that's distressing!
- dad"hi hungry, i'm ...."
- gnuAntelope hung back, lacking leader
- 4-letter words
- pineHunger for
- fastGo hungry
- pangHunger sign
- 5-letter words
- satedNo longer hungry
- fastsgoes hungry
- craveHunger for
- 6-letter words
- plicaeFolds of skin
- lolledHung out
- 7-letter words
- peckishHungry
- balatonLake in Hungary
- paprikaHungarian spice
- 8-letter words
- ravenousVery hungry
- starvingVery hungry
- raveningVery hungry
- 9-letter words
- rapaciousHungry to an extreme degree
- voraciousHungry to an extreme degree
- cracks-upFolds under pressure
- 10-letter words
- goldilockshungry and sleepy girl who found her comfort zone?
- insatiableHungry to an extreme degree
- st-stephenPatron saint of Hungary
- 11-letter words
- clasp-knifeA knife with a blade that folds into the handle
- franz-lisztHungarian composer and pianist, d. 1886
- 12-letter words
- labia-majoraThe larger outer folds of the vulva
- labia-minoraThe smaller inner folds of the vulva
- ungovernableDisorderly, hungover and unable? Off their heads
- 13-letter words
- harry-houdiniHungarian-born American magician (1874–1926)
- 14-letter words
- sandwich-boardA pair of advertisement boards connected by straps by which they are hung over a person's shoulder