allatsea Solutions idiom meaning helpless, as if adrift has 7 entries with similar clues 6-letter wordsastrayAdriftblottoHelplessly drunkstrandLeave helpless10-letter wordsnidicolousRelating to birds born blind and helpless11-letter wordsin-stitchesHelpless with laughter17-letter wordsweak-at-the-kneesHelpless with emotion25-letter wordsbecaughtwithonespantsdownidiom meaning to be taken by surprise in a vulnerable situation
Solutions idiom meaning helpless, as if adrift has 7 entries with similar clues 6-letter wordsastrayAdriftblottoHelplessly drunkstrandLeave helpless10-letter wordsnidicolousRelating to birds born blind and helpless11-letter wordsin-stitchesHelpless with laughter17-letter wordsweak-at-the-kneesHelpless with emotion25-letter wordsbecaughtwithonespantsdownidiom meaning to be taken by surprise in a vulnerable situation