de-jure rightful legitimate Solutions In accordance with the law has 4 entries with similar clues 5-letter wordshalalReferring to meat slaughtered in accordance with Muslim law6-letter wordskosherReferring to meat slaughtered in accordance with Jewish Law9-letter wordsdisobligeOffend someone by not acting in accordance with their wishes10-letter wordscontraveneCommit an act that is not in accordance with a law, treaty, etc.
Solutions In accordance with the law has 4 entries with similar clues 5-letter wordshalalReferring to meat slaughtered in accordance with Muslim law6-letter wordskosherReferring to meat slaughtered in accordance with Jewish Law9-letter wordsdisobligeOffend someone by not acting in accordance with their wishes10-letter wordscontraveneCommit an act that is not in accordance with a law, treaty, etc.