Solutions In an unfair manner has 21 entries with similar clues
- useTake unfair advantage of
- usurerUnfair moneylender
- unjustUnfair
- extortObtain by force or unfair means
- pick-onSingle out for unfair treatment
- exploitTreat unfairly
- inequityUnfairness
- raw-dealUnfair treatment
- arawdealUnfair treatment
- denigrateCriticise unfairly
- disparageCriticise unfairly
- victimisePunish unfairly
- acquiescentSubmitting to unfair treatment
- high-handedUnfair in a thoughtless or arrogant way
- hard-done-onUnfairely treated
- discriminateTreat unfairly
- discriminatedTreated unfairly
- jump-the-queueTake unfair precedence
- wrongfularrestunfair to stop miscarriage of justice
- pull-a-fast-oneTry to gain an unfair advantage
- hit-below-the-beltBehave unfairly towards someone