Solutions Inhabit has 22 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- rooDiminutive inhabitant of Hundred Acre Wood
- 4-letter words
- antshill inhabitants
- beesApiary inhabitants
- incacusco inhabitant
- 5-letter words
- livesInhabits
- iraqiinhabitant of fallujah or kirkuk
- 6-letter words
- occupyInhabit and keep busy
- britonInhabitant of England
- fijianInhabitant of Fiji
- 7-letter words
- citizenInhabitant of a city
- denizenInhabitant
- rwandanInhabitant of Kigali
- 8-letter words
- cambrianInhabitant of Wales
- islanderInhabitant of Fiji
- residentInhabitant
- 9-letter words
- geographyScience of the surface of the earth and its inhabitants
- directoryBook listing names of inhabitants, users, etc.
- aborigineOriginal inhabitant
- 10-letter words
- populationAll the inhabitants of a place
- 11-letter words
- unpopulatedWithout inhabitants
- 12-letter words
- norwegianseaWaters the mythological kraken was said to inhabit
- 14-letter words
- greenlandsharkcreature inhabiting arctic waters noted for its long life span of up to 500 years