Solutions Is able has 36 entries with similar clues
- ere"Able was I .... I saw Elba"
- deftAble
- couldWas able to
- adeptAble
- hardyAble-bodied
- volantAble to fly
- cleverAble
- adroitAble
- causticAble to burn
- healthyAble-bodied
- capableAble
- ambulantAble to walk
- talentedAble
- volitantAble to fly
- reparableAble to be fixed
- qualifiedAble
- competentAble
- prehensileAble to grasp
- proficientAble
- ambulatoryAble to walk
- dispensableAble to be replaced
- practicableAble to be done
- refrangibleAble to be refracted
- intelligibleAble to be understood
- destructibleAble to be destroyed
- demonstrableAble to be proved
- impracticableNot able to be done
- incontestableNot able to be disputed
- lose-sight-ofBe no longer able to see
- fire-breathingAble to emit flames
- gain-access-toBe able to reach
- toilet-trainedAble to use the loo
- have-an-eye-forBe able to recognise and judge wisely
- incontrovertibleNot able to be disputed
- indistinguishableNot able to be identified as different
- philosophers-stoneSubstance able to change base metal into gold