Solutions Japanese religion has 24 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- sectSubdivision of religion
- cultUnorthodox religion or sect
- sikhAdherent of Indian religion
- 5-letter words
- islamMuslim religion
- hinduIndian religion
- 6-letter words
- clergyMinisters of religion
- priestMinister of religion
- 7-letter words
- secularNot connected with religion
- 8-letter words
- hinduismMajor world religion
- theologyStudy of religion
- divinityStudy of religion
- 9-letter words
- theomaniaObsession with religion
- spiritualRelating to religion
- persecuteHarass for reasons of politics, religion, etc.
- 10-letter words
- syncretismThe combining of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought
- heterodoxyUnorthodox opinion in religion
- 11-letter words
- entheomaniaObsession with religion
- irreligiousIndifferent to religion
- 12-letter words
- denominationType of currency, religion, etc.
- christianityMajor world religion
- the-faithfulThe believers in a particular religion
- 14-letter words
- church-paradesOccasions of compulsory religion
- latitudinarianLiberal in matters of religion
- zoroastrianismA religion of ancient Persia