anime Solutions Japanese science fiction animated film has 3 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordspuss"... in Boots," 2011 animated animated spin-off of "Shrek" starring Antonio Banderas as the titular character5-letter wordsmangaJapanese comic books and cartoon films with a science fiction or fantasy theme10-letter wordsmetropolisPioneering 1927 science-fiction film directed by Fritz Lang
Solutions Japanese science fiction animated film has 3 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordspuss"... in Boots," 2011 animated animated spin-off of "Shrek" starring Antonio Banderas as the titular character5-letter wordsmangaJapanese comic books and cartoon films with a science fiction or fantasy theme10-letter wordsmetropolisPioneering 1927 science-fiction film directed by Fritz Lang