imo Solutions letters introducing a judgment has 8 entries with similar clues 3-letter wordstskjudgmental click4-letter wordspendAwait judgmentjumpMake a hasty judgment5-letter wordssenseGood judgment6-letter wordsplungegames lesson introducing breathing apparatus for diving activityeitherWord introducing first alternativeacumenKeen judgment11-letter wordshaplographyInadvertent omission of repeated letters or letters in writing
Solutions letters introducing a judgment has 8 entries with similar clues 3-letter wordstskjudgmental click4-letter wordspendAwait judgmentjumpMake a hasty judgment5-letter wordssenseGood judgment6-letter wordsplungegames lesson introducing breathing apparatus for diving activityeitherWord introducing first alternativeacumenKeen judgment11-letter wordshaplographyInadvertent omission of repeated letters or letters in writing