hag Solutions "Macbeth" role has 5 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsactiWhen the stage direction "Enter three Witches" appears in "Macbeth"scotMacbeth, for onefoilRole contrasting with another role6-letter wordsghostsThey're in Macbeth and Richard III11-letter wordswitchesbrewPotent "MacBeth" concoction
Solutions "Macbeth" role has 5 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsactiWhen the stage direction "Enter three Witches" appears in "Macbeth"scotMacbeth, for onefoilRole contrasting with another role6-letter wordsghostsThey're in Macbeth and Richard III11-letter wordswitchesbrewPotent "MacBeth" concoction