Solutions Manifestation of a deity has 14 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- godDeity
- 4-letter words
- isisEgyptian deity
- amonPharaoh's deity
- idolFalse deity
- 5-letter words
- ghostVisible manifestation of a dead person
- satyrGoatlike woodland deity of Greek mythology
- 6-letter words
- avatarManifestation
- prayerEntreaty to deity
- athenaWisdom deity
- 7-letter words
- demigodPart mortal, part deity
- goddessDodges unusual small deity
- 9-letter words
- sacrificeThe offering of an animal to a deity in worship
- 10-letter words
- tidal-waveWidespread manifestation of feelings, etc.
- 11-letter words
- materialismDoctrine that nothing exists except matter and its manifestations