Solutions marks left by blows has 16 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- fana spinning device that blows air
- 4-letter words
- beatHit with repeated blows
- tapsQuarrel about light blows
- 5-letter words
- puffsBlows smoke rings
- hewerPerson cutting wood with blows
- 6-letter words
- thrashHit with repeated blows
- mtetnaIt blows hot air in Italy
- struckGiven blows
- 7-letter words
- trackedFollowed the marks left by an animal, person, or vehicle
- leewardQuarter towards which the wind blows
- one-twoSwift couple of blows at boxing
- 8-letter words
- belabourAttack with blows
- offshore... wind, one that blows from land to water
- 9-letter words
- uppercutsIn boxing, blows to the chin
- 10-letter words
- cheapshotsLow blows
- 14-letter words
- porcupine-fishFish that blows itself into a spiny ball