Solutions Meaning has 38 entries with similar clues
- neoPrefix meaning "new"
- triPrefix meaning "three"
- subPrefix meaning below
- gistEssential meaning
- ostePrefix meaning "bone"
- multiPrefix meaning "many"
- spiroPrefix meaning "coil"
- fathomDiscover the meaning of
- definegive the meaning of a word
- nuanceShade of meaning
- pervertTwist the meaning of
- distortTwist the meaning of
- melissaGirl's name meaning 'bee'
- univocalHaving only one meaning
- overtoneSubtle extra meaning
- perceiveGrasp the meaning of
- ambiguityUncertain of meaning
- gibberishMeaningless speech
- apprehendGrasp the meaning of
- synonymousHaving the same meaning
- philosophyStudy of being, meaning, etc.
- understandGrasp the meaning of
- connotationSuggested meaning
- allegoricalHaving symbolic meaning
- misconstrueTwist the meaning of
- double-edgedHaving another less pleasant meaning
- good-heartedKind and well-meaning
- misinterpretTwist the meaning of
- onesblessingscount ........, phrase meaning 'to value the good things in one's life'
- gothedistancephrase referring to a boxing bout meaning"to last its scheduled length"
- yada-yada-yadaPersistent or meaningless chatter
- hitbelowthebeltexpression meaning 'to deliver a mean blow'
- to-the-contraryWith the opposite meaning or implication
- terrible-lizardLiteral meaning of dinosaur
- extraterrestrialthe meaning of et in relation to life not on earth
- land-between-riversThe meaning of 'Mesopotamia'
- read-between-the-linesLook for a meaning that is not explicitly stated
- becaughtwithonespantsdownidiom meaning to be taken by surprise in a vulnerable situation