Solutions Meaning of a word or phrase has 24 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- por.. favor, Spanish phrase meaning "please"
- bonFrench word meaning 'good'
- 4-letter words
- demiA word meaning 'half'
- stanWord meaning superfan that comes from the title of an Eminem song
- 5-letter words
- uncutThe meaning of the word 'atomos' from which the word 'atom' was derived
- 6-letter words
- mantraCommonly repeated phrase or word
- definegive the meaning of a word
- onsongphrase meaning 'performing well'
- 7-letter words
- antonymWord with opposite meaning
- synonymWord with the same meaning
- 8-letter words
- synonymsWords with the same meaning
- semanticAbout the meaning of words
- antonymsWords opposite in meaning
- 9-letter words
- cross-outDelete a word or phrase by drawing a line through it
- neologismNew word for phrase
- literallyAccording to the precise meaning of words
- 10-letter words
- homographsWords with the same spelling but different meanings and origins
- vocabularyA list of words and their meanings
- palindromeA word or phrase spelled the same backwards
- 11-letter words
- substantiveWord or phrase serving as a noun
- 13-letter words
- colloquialismInformal word or phrase
- cross-throughDelete a word or phrase by drawing a line through it
- onesblessingscount ........, phrase meaning 'to value the good things in one's life'
- 15-letter words
- double-entendreA word or phrase with two meanings, one of which is usually indecent