Solutions Mel of Cooperstown has 32 entries with similar clues
- 2-letter words
- kdinitials of fargo and melancholia actor
- 3-letter words
- airMelody
- sadmelancholic
- 4-letter words
- songMelody
- tuneMelody
- thawMelt
- 5-letter words
- musicMelody
- scrumMelee
- brawlMelee
- 6-letter words
- dulcetMelodious
- arioseMelodic
- strainMelody
- 7-letter words
- musicalMelodic
- mixtureMélange
- tunefulMelodious
- 8-letter words
- dissolveMelt
- honeydewType of melon
- riot-gunMelee weapon
- 9-letter words
- moby-dickNovel by Herman Melville
- cantabileMelodious as in singing
- 10-letter words
- folk-musicjoni mitchell melodies
- histrionicMelodramatic
- soap-operaMelodramatic TV or radio series
- 11-letter words
- sensationalMelodramatic
- 12-letter words
- welsh-rabbitMelted cheese on hot toast
- contrapuntalOf music with more than one melody
- 13-letter words
- lethal-weaponSeries of films starring Mel Gibson
- 14-letter words
- penny-dreadfulMelodramatic paperback novel
- 15-letter words
- lata-mangeshkarIndia's melody queen
- bloodandthunderFurious response; exaggerated melodrama
- 17-letter words
- blood-and-thunderMelodramatic
- 40-letter words
- appear-innocent-while-being-the-oppositeLook as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth