Solutions micro-organism has 25 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- zapUse a microwave, informally
- eggOrganism protected by shell
- 4-letter words
- mikeA microphone
- tinyMicroscopic
- 5-letter words
- germsMicrobes
- monadSingle-celled organism
- teenyMicroscopic
- 6-letter words
- animalLiving organism
- embryoUnborn organism
- diatomMicroscopic alga
- 7-letter words
- microbeOrganism causing disease
- 8-letter words
- pathogenDisease-causing organism
- planktonDrifting marine organisms
- bacteriaMicroorganisms
- 9-letter words
- anaerobicOf an organism not having oxygen from air
- biohazardDanger of pollution from living organisms
- bacteriumMicroorganism that can cause disease
- 10-letter words
- morphologyStudy of forms of organisms
- microscopeTiny organism viewer
- animalculeA microscopic animal
- 11-letter words
- light-musicmaybe spot microphone capturing our group producing agreeable tunes
- systematicsClassification of living organisms
- macroscopicVisible to the naked eye without the need of a microscope
- 12-letter words
- microsurgeryVery intricate surgery using microscope
- disinfectantSubstance killing harmful microorganisms