Solutions Minim has 26 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- twoMinimally plural
- atmMinimart convenience
- 4-letter words
- abitMinimally
- afewMinimal
- 5-letter words
- dogitMuster minimal muscle
- leastMinimum
- 6-letter words
- quorumMinimum number required to conduct business
- rehashEmploy (old items or ideas) with minimal changes
- aceticLiving a strict, self-denying life with minimum comforts
- 7-letter words
- bed-sitMinimal accommodation
- rooftopMinimum height for low flying
- subsistSurvive at minimal level
- 8-letter words
- sinecurepost with minimal duties
- 9-letter words
- half-noteA minim
- semibreveTwo minims
- loinclothMinimum clothing
- 10-letter words
- soft-pedalMinimise the importance of
- shoestringMinimal amount of money
- onthecheapAt minimum expense
- 11-letter words
- anti-staticDesigned to minimise atmospheric interference (radio)
- perfunctoryCarried out with a minimum of effort
- thirty-fiveMinimum age requirement for an American president
- 12-letter words
- play-down___Minimise the importance of
- 14-letter words
- brass-farthingSomething of minimal value
- skeleton-staffMinimum work staff
- 15-letter words
- escape-velocityMinimum speed needed by a spacecraft to overcome the gravitational field