Solutions Miserable in appearance has 32 entries with similar clues
- rcgladiator and les misérables actor initials
- lesVictor Hugo's "... Miserables"
- mienAppearance
- uglyof unpleasant appearance
- mopeBe miserable
- debutFirst appearance
- guiseFalse appearance
- aspectAppearance
- abjectDeeply miserable
- wretchMiserable fellow
- squalidPoor in appearance
- pitifulMiserable
- show-upMake an appearance
- youthfulFresh in appearance
- pretenceFalse appearance
- wretchedMiserable
- roly-polyPlump in appearance
- dignifiedNoble in appearance
- semblanceAppearance
- personableAttractive in appearance
- showing-upMaking an appearance
- rejuvenateRestore to youthful appearance
- resplendentMagnificent in appearance
- transfigureImprove by a spectacular change of appearance/attitude
- narcissisticExcessively proud in one's appearance
- well-groomedNeat and tidy in appearance
- down-at-heelHaving a poor, shabby appearance
- precipitationAppearance of a spirit at a séance in visible bodily form
- verisimilitudeThe appearance of being true or real
- materialisationAppearance of a spirit at a séance in visible bodily form
- showed-the-flagPut in an appearance
- spit-and-polishMilitary attention to order and appearance