Solutions NASA-ese "nominal" has 18 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- amesnasa ....: research center in silicon valley
- elsaNominally a bit of a setback for ASLEF
- 5-letter words
- sinusNasal cavity
- twangNasal accent
- tokenNominal
- 6-letter words
- sneezeNasal explosion
- geminiEarly NASA program
- rhinalNasal
- 7-letter words
- nostrilNasal aperture
- titularNominal
- 8-letter words
- rhinitisNasal inflammation
- velocityNASA measure
- 9-letter words
- discoveryName of NASA's third space shuttle to be built
- adenoidalReferring to a voice that is nasal or choky
- 10-letter words
- block-voteBallot cast by delegates, proportional to the number of members nominally represented
- figureheadA nominal leader without real power
- 11-letter words
- figureheadsmathematics professors are only nominally in charge
- 15-letter words
- peppercorn-rentA very low or nominal rent