Solutions notion, concept has 20 entries with similar clues
- 5-letter words
- ideasConcepts
- 6-letter words
- vagaryErratic notion
- 7-letter words
- inklingFaint notion
- figmentFantastic notion
- thoughtNotion
- 8-letter words
- abstractNotional, hypothetical
- superegoFreudian concept of conscience
- paradigmConceptual framework
- 9-letter words
- nietzscheGerman philosopher, d. 1900, noted for his concept of superman
- 10-letter words
- cyberspaceNotional environment for all computer networks
- stereotypeStandardised, oversimplified concept
- peppercornOf rent, notional
- 11-letter words
- abstractionTheoretical concept
- common-nounNoun referring to a class of objects or to a concept
- metaphysicsPhilosophical study of abstract concepts
- 12-letter words
- virgin-birthResult of Immaculate Conception
- 13-letter words
- browniepointsNotional acclaim
- animal-rightsConcept challenging speciesism
- conceptualiseForm a concept of
- 14-letter words
- brownie-pointsNotional awards for good work