Solutions Obstacle on a golf course has 23 entries with similar clues
- earBarber's obstacle
- fogVisibility obstacle
- snagMinor obstacle
- parsgolf course info
- linksSeaside golf course
- yardsGolf course distances
- hurdleObstacle used in races
- thwartPut obstacles in front of
- barrierAn obstacle
- bunkersSand traps of golf course
- eighteenNumber of holes on a golf course
- barriersobstacles
- frustratePut obstacles in front of
- sand-trapGolf course obstacle
- hindranceObstacle
- impedimentObstacle
- water-jumpSteeplechase obstacle
- challengesobstacles to overcome
- obstructionObstacle
- greenkeeperPerson caring for a golf course
- dragons-teethAntitank obstacles
- putting-greenA smooth area of short grass surrounding a hole on a golf course
- stumbling-blockAn obstacle