Solutions Of a disease originating in a hospital has 11 entries with similar clues
- 6-letter words
- reggaeStyle of music originating in West Indies
- 7-letter words
- burmesebreed of domestic cat originating in se asia with a dark brown or blue-grey coat
- paisleyPatterned textile originating in a Scottish town
- lambadaerotic dance originating in brazil
- 9-letter words
- dixielandJazz originating in New Orleans
- bossanovaDance originating in Brazil exemplified by the 1964 Getz/Gilberto single The Girl From Ipanema
- ural-dishItem of cooked food originating in Russian's eastern borderland
- 10-letter words
- sanatoriumHospital for those suffering from chronic diseases
- bossa-novaA dance like samba originating in Brazil
- 12-letter words
- arising-fromOriginating from
- 14-letter words
- livery-companyLondon chartered institution originating from the old craft guilds