Solutions Of furniture, a copy has 29 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- apecopy of tapestry
- oakFurniture wood
- 4-letter words
- iseeCopy
- textCopy
- cribCopy
- 5-letter words
- draftA rough copy
- cloneExact copy
- mimicCopy
- 6-letter words
- editorCopy fixer
- piracyIllegal copying
- scribeA copyist
- 7-letter words
- emulateCopy
- imitateCopy
- replicaCopy
- 8-letter words
- sheratonElegant furniture style
- imitatorCopycat
- 9-letter words
- facsimileExact copy
- duplicateCopy
- imitationCopy
- 10-letter words
- plagiaristcopywriter
- styleguideCopywriter's handbook
- pillar-boxRed street furniture
- 11-letter words
- unfurnishedWithout furniture
- scriptoriumMonastery room in which scribes could copy records or manuscripts
- 12-letter words
- reproductionCopy
- pantechniconLorry used in furniture removals
- 14-letter words
- dressing-tablePiece of bedroom furniture
- filing-cabinetPiece of furniture containing documents
- 15-letter words
- conferencetableOffice furniture in a meeting room