Solutions Of gardening has 16 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- hoeGardening tool
- dugmade a hole in the earth while gardening
- 4-letter words
- loamGardening soil
- weeddo some gardening
- soilGardening dirt
- 5-letter words
- ha-haConcealed ditch in landscape gardening
- mowerGardening equipment/appliance
- 6-letter words
- dibbleGardening tool for making holes in soil for plants or seedlings
- dibberGardening tool for making holes in soil for plants or seedlings
- trowelShort-handled gardening tool
- 7-letter words
- trimmerHedge ... (gardening tool)
- topiaryOrnamental gardening in which trees or hedges are clipped into designs
- 8-letter words
- knee-padgardening accessory that might prevent sore joints
- 9-letter words
- allotmentPlot of public land rented to an individual for gardening
- xeriscapeLandscape gardening needing little or no irrigation
- 12-letter words
- horticultureGardening