Solutions Painting method has 32 entries with similar clues
- 2-letter words
- ryChoo choo transport method, in short
- 3-letter words
- artpartner's painting
- wayMethod
- 4-letter words
- daubCrude painting
- modeMethod
- roteMemory method
- 5-letter words
- muralWall painting/design
- slomoreplay method
- 6-letter words
- systemMethodology
- canvasPainting (sails)
- 7-letter words
- picturePainting
- 8-letter words
- remediesRestorative methods
- triptychPainting
- hay-wainPainting by Constable
- 9-letter words
- formulatePrepare methodically
- mona-lisaDa Vinci painting
- at-randomWithout method
- 10-letter words
- convectionMethods of transmitting heat
- fast-trackA rapid method
- still-lifePainting of a bowl of fruit
- 11-letter words
- cross-checkVerify figures or information by using alternate method
- tie-and-dyeMethod of patterning fabrics
- old-mastersGreat Renaissance paintings
- 12-letter words
- electrolysisMethod of inducing chemical change by passing current from anode to cathode
- 13-letter words
- carbon-datingMethod for determining the age of old matter
- secret-ballotVoting method
- 14-letter words
- mouth-to-mouthMethod of resuscitation
- sistine-chapelScene of paintings by Michelangelo
- modus-operandiMethod of working
- 15-letter words
- the-last-supperLeonardo da Vinci's famous painting in Milan
- 17-letter words
- leonardo-da-vinciItalian painter, scientist, and engineer, and his paintings include Mona Lisa and The Virgins of the Rocks
- 21-letter words
- time-and-motion-studyA study of the efficiency of a company's working methods