Solutions Perform has 41 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- duoPair of performers
- 4-letter words
- playPerformance
- doesperforms
- redoPerform again
- 5-letter words
- go-goExotic performer
- actorPerformer in drama
- actedPerformed
- 6-letter words
- recordBest performance
- dancerBallet performer
- encoreRepeat performance
- 7-letter words
- recitalPerformance
- reenactPerform again
- artistePerformer
- 8-letter words
- renderedPerformed
- hot-shotStar performer
- reenactsPerforms again
- 9-letter words
- carry-outPerform a task
- swan-songFinal performance
- 10-letter words
- dark-horseSurprise performer
- clog-danceFoot-stomping performance
- lion-tamerCircus performer
- 11-letter words
- showstopperArresting performance
- coordinatedPerformed together
- out-of-formNot performing well
- 12-letter words
- belly-dancerPerforming gyrator of tummy
- on-the-stagePerforming
- stage-frightPanic experienced by performer
- 13-letter words
- in-the-groovePerforming confidently
- tour-de-forceOutstanding performance
- improvisationExtempore performance
- 14-letter words
- signature-tuneMusic associated with particular programme or performer
- labour-of-loveWork performed voluntarily without hope of material reward
- interpretationThe way in which a performer expresses a creative work
- 15-letter words
- labours-of-loveWorks performed from affection or regard and without expectation of payments
- number-cruncherA computer for performing complicated calculations
- fetch-and-carryPerform humble services for someone
- 16-letter words
- anabolic-steroidA synthetic hormone used to promote muscle growth and illegally enhance performance
- prestidigitationMagic tricks performed as entertainment
- 17-letter words
- christian-barnardSouth African surgeon who performed the first human heart transplant
- 19-letter words
- piece-de-resistanceOutstanding work of art or performance with in a set of related items
- concert-performanceOpera performed without accompanying action