Solutions Pertaining to warships has 15 entries with similar clues
- 4-letter words
- oticPertaining to the ear
- 5-letter words
- papalPertaining to the pope
- auralPertaining to the ear
- 6-letter words
- haemalPertaining to blood
- haemicPertaining to blood
- armadaFleet of warships
- 7-letter words
- tactilePertaining to touch
- pluvialPertaining to rain
- adiposePertaining to fat
- 8-letter words
- orientalPertaining to East
- frigatesClass of warships
- cruisersWarships of a kind
- 9-letter words
- nocturnalPertaining to night
- appellatePertaining to
- olfactoryPertaining to smell