Solutions Philosophical debate has 23 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- dao"... De Jing" [philosophical text)
- proDebate side
- conDebate side that is not pro
- 4-letter words
- eastin the debate a strong point
- yogaHindu philosophical system/philosophy
- mootSubject to debate
- 5-letter words
- issueTopic of debate
- 6-letter words
- arguerDebater
- arguedDebated
- gunlawTopic of much debate
- 7-letter words
- atissueUp for debate
- discussDebate
- hansardRecord of UK parliamentary debates
- 8-letter words
- agnosticPhilosophically noncommittal
- 9-letter words
- stonewallObstruct as a deliberate strategy as in cricket or parliamentary debate
- moderatorSomeone who presides over a forum or debate
- 10-letter words
- filibusterHinder the progress of debate by using long speeches
- disputableOpen to debate
- aestheticsThe philosophical study of beauty
- 11-letter words
- metaphysicsPhilosophical study of abstract concepts
- disputationDebate or argument
- 14-letter words
- hold-the-stageDominate a scene of action or forum of debate
- existentialismPhilosophical system centred on human freedom and experience