Solutions Pin has 38 entries with similar clues
- 2-letter words
- ptSmall pint
- 3-letter words
- dabPinch
- nipPinch
- hmsPinafore
- 4-letter words
- wingPinion
- nickPinch
- longPine
- 5-letter words
- swipePinch
- stealPinch
- yearnPine
- 6-letter words
- pliersPincers
- skewerMeat pin
- locatePinpoint
- 7-letter words
- skittleBowling pin
- roseatePink
- 8-letter words
- flamingoPink bird
- lovesickPining
- pinaforePinny
- 9-letter words
- bagatellePinball
- thumbtackDrawing pin
- carnationPink
- 10-letter words
- shell-pinkA delicate pale pink
- off-colourNot in the pink?
- leigh-anne...... Pinnock, singer
- 11-letter words
- candy-flossFairground's pink confection
- marshmallowPink flowering plant (sweet)
- pina-coladaDrink of pineapple juice, coconut, and rum
- 12-letter words
- table-tennisPing-pong
- 13-letter words
- heavenly-bodysun pin-up?
- monkey-puzzleChele pine(the Araucaria tree)
- rose-colouredPink
- 14-letter words
- custard-powderPink stuff that turns yellow
- bulletin-boardWhere messages are pinned
- birthday-partyPinter play
- 15-letter words
- paintthetownredToss down pint at three and have a big night out
- fit-as-a-fiddleIn the pink
- cum-grano-salisWith a pinch of salt
- 17-letter words
- how-you-like-that2020 Black pint hit whose title is a question: 4 wds.