Solutions Pitch has 32 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- lobArching pitch
- aceStar pitcher
- 4-letter words
- acesStar pitchers
- ewerWater pitcher
- 5-letter words
- ewerspitchers
- tunedPerfectly pitched
- spielSales pitch
- 6-letter words
- stallsmarket pitches
- slurveBaseball pitch
- shrillHigh pitched
- 7-letter words
- inflectChange in tone or pitch
- adexecspitching aces?
- cadenceFall of pitch
- 8-letter words
- monotoneSound of constant pitch
- pavilionBuilding by a cricket pitch
- chirrupsHigh-pitched bird calls
- 9-letter words
- goal-lineEnd of a football pitch
- nolanryanbaseball pitcher
- altissimoHighest in pitch
- 10-letter words
- pianotunerProfessional pitcher?
- secondbaseSpot behind the pitcher
- tabernacleBan 19 pitching tent
- 11-letter words
- tom-glavineHall of Fame Braves pitcher: 2 wds.
- john-smotlzHall of Fame Braves pitcher: 2 wds.
- out-of-tuneNot true in pitch
- 12-letter words
- wolf-whistleA whistle with a raising and falling pitch used to express sexual attraction
- satchelpaigeKansas City Athletics pitcher who, at age 59 in 1965, became the oldest person to play in an MLB game [2 wds)
- 13-letter words
- mezzo-sopranoFemale singing voice from lowest pitch to highest
- 14-letter words
- leadtothealtarMake your wife a metal finger, to recover from injury on pitch
- basso-profundoAdult male singing voice from lowest pitch to highest
- 15-letter words
- salesresistanceWhat good pitching can overcome
- or-countertenorAdult male singing voice from lowest pitch to highest