Solutions Plant has 35 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- cosSalad plant
- sapPlant juice
- 4-letter words
- beetSugar plant
- treeWoody plant
- canePlant support
- 5-letter words
- aphidPlant louse
- sisalPlant fibre
- cressSalad plant
- 6-letter words
- lentilPlant (pulse)
- endiveSalad plant
- azaleaShowy plant
- 7-letter words
- creeperTwining plant
- anemoneWoodland plant
- lettuceSalad plant
- 8-letter words
- wormwoodPlant used for absinthe
- beanpolePlant support
- zoophytePlantlike animal
- 9-letter words
- palm-treeTropical plant
- herbariumPlant room
- toadstoolPlant akin to mushroom
- 10-letter words
- dwarf-irisSmall plant
- window-boxPlant container on sill
- vegetationPlant life of an area
- 11-letter words
- marshmallowPink flowering plant (sweet)
- sea-anemonePlantlike marine creature
- antirrhinumRelated plant of snapdragon
- 12-letter words
- aromatherapyRemedial use of essential plant oils
- horticulturePlant cultivation of flowers
- pussy-willowPlant bearing catkins
- 13-letter words
- forget-me-notPlant with small blue flowers
- green-peppersUnripe, slightly pungent plants
- asparagus-bedPlace for plant with tasty young shoots
- 14-letter words
- raspberry-bushPlant with pale-red fruit
- 15-letter words
- natural-historyThe scientific study of animals or plants with observation rather than experiment
- 18-letter words
- evapotranspirationTransport of water into the atmosphere via plants and soil