Solutions Poetic inspiration has 20 entries with similar clues
- erePoetic "before"
- eenpoetic adverb
- ebonBlack, poetically
- iambPoetic foot
- ideainspiration
- cantopoetical division
- steedHorse (poetic)
- iambiPoetic feet
- albionGreat Britain, poetically
- dirgesPoetic laments
- eterneForever, poetically
- animateGive inspiration to a friend from Belfast region?
- hiberniaPoetic name for Ireland
- luminaryInspirational leader
- eye-rhymepoetic device daughter associated with laughter?
- methodismprotestant christian movement deriving its inspiration from the life and teachings of john wesley
- upliftinginspirational
- lacklustreLacking inspiration
- brainstormA burst of inspiration
- charismaticInspirational in personality