Solutions Positive answer has 41 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- ouiAnjou answer
- ayeA positive vote
- 4-letter words
- plusPositive sign
- surePositive
- 5-letter words
- solveFind an answer
- yesesPositive RSVPs
- replyAnswer
- 6-letter words
- printsPositive photos
- retortAnswer back
- 7-letter words
- refusesGives no answer
- certainPositive
- respondAnswer
- 8-letter words
- definitePositive
- solutionAnswer
- responseAnswer
- 9-letter words
- establishWork out an answer by calculation
- strengthsPositive attributes
- determineWork out an answer by calculation
- 10-letter words
- assertionsPositive statements
- responsiveQuick to answer
- by-defaultBecause of a lack of positive action
- 11-letter words
- prevaricateAvoid answering directly
- sockdolagerA decisive blow or answer
- hairraisingterrifying answer to baldness?
- 12-letter words
- accounts-forAnswers for one's conduct, etc.
- doubledoublebasketball stat, and what can be found in six of this puzzle's long answers
- wellwellwellComment upon a revealing discovery, and a description of the starred answers
- 13-letter words
- rollercoasterAmusement park attraction depicted weaving through this answer
- remain-silentRefuse to answer charges
- highlevelinfoOverview of the big picture, and what the starred answers contain
- 14-letter words
- bang-to-rightsCaught red-handed with positive proof of guilt
- becauseisaidsoUnhelpful answer
- whowantstoknowUnhelpful answer
- 15-letter words
- itsanyonesguessUnhelpful answer
- goaskyourmotherUnhelpful answer
- exclamationmarkEnding for each answer to the starred clues
- 16-letter words
- whoamitodisabrieRiddle's answer
- press-conferenceA meeting held with journalists in order to make an announcement or answer questions
- may-contain-nutshealth warning applicable to answers to starred clues?
- 19-letter words
- thatsjustthewayitisUnhelpful answer
- theresnowaytobesureUnhelpful answer