Solutions Prayer ending has 28 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- adeStock ending?
- comURL ending
- orgURL ending
- 4-letter words
- imamPrayer leader
- 5-letter words
- mouthRiver ending
- fatalending in death
- kneelPrepare for prayer
- 6-letter words
- orisonPrayer
- litanyLong prayer
- 7-letter words
- angelusMidday prayer
- vespersEvening prayer
- silentenerve ending?
- 8-letter words
- hailmarycatholic prayer to the mother of jesus
- complinePrayer service just before bedtime
- breechesTrousers ending just below the knee
- 9-letter words
- hail-maryGreet woman with prayer
- incessantNever-ending
- 10-letter words
- anticlimaxDull ending
- our-fatherLord's Prayer
- punch-lineGag's ending
- 11-letter words
- paternosterLord's Prayer, especially in Latin
- wishingwellPrayer for good health and where to make it?
- immortalityNever-ending quality
- 12-letter words
- wailing-wallPlace of prayer and lamentation for Jews in Jerusalem
- photo-finishClose ending to a race
- intercessionA prayer said for others
- 14-letter words
- in-at-the-killPresent at an ending
- 15-letter words
- exclamationmarkEnding for each answer to the starred clues