Solutions Principles has 14 entries with similar clues
- 5-letter words
- ethicSet of moral principles
- credoStatement of principles
- 6-letter words
- amoralWithout principles
- idealsGuiding principles
- 7-letter words
- ethicalRelating to the moral principles
- 8-letter words
- caseworkPractical application of sociological principles
- a-prioriReasoning from first principles (Latin)/reasoning based on theory rather than observation
- 10-letter words
- scrupulousStrictly observing moral principles
- protestantMember of church founded on the principles of Reformation
- 11-letter words
- high-mindedHaving strong moral principles
- realpolitikGerman pragmatic principles
- opportunistPerson without fixed principles
- 12-letter words
- unscrupulousDevoid of moral principles
- constitutionBody of principles governing a state