etchings Solutions prints from engraving metal, glass or stone and covering it with acid has 6 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsetchCreate artworks by acid corrosion on metal or glass5-letter wordschaseDecorate metal by engraving7-letter wordsenchaseDecorate metal by engravingshudderShake from/with fear8-letter wordslapidaryRelating to the engraving, cutting, or polishing of stones or gemsdeadlockSituation from/in which no progress can be made
Solutions prints from engraving metal, glass or stone and covering it with acid has 6 entries with similar clues 4-letter wordsetchCreate artworks by acid corrosion on metal or glass5-letter wordschaseDecorate metal by engraving7-letter wordsenchaseDecorate metal by engravingshudderShake from/with fear8-letter wordslapidaryRelating to the engraving, cutting, or polishing of stones or gemsdeadlockSituation from/in which no progress can be made