Solutions Produced a replica of has 28 entries with similar clues
- enoMusician Brian who produced many U2 albums
- madBananas produced in short supply
- tarProduct produced from pines
- echosomething replicated in city house
- alesWhat colonial Americans produced from pumpkins
- muskA strong pleasant-smelling substance produced by a type of male deer
- swarfFine filings produced by machining
- sebumOily substance produced by glands
- modelReplica
- outputQuantity produced
- enzymeProtein produced by cell
- organicProduced without chemicals
- imprintMark produced by pressure
- homemadeProduced on the premises
- originalProduced firsthand, not a copy
- narcosisDrowsiness produced by a drug
- prototypeFirst of a kind to be produced
- syntheticArtificially produced
- bimonthlyProduced six times a year
- distilleryWhere spirits are produced
- lacticacida substance formed in sour milk and produced in muscles during exercise
- stethoscopeDoctor's instrument for listening to sounds produced in the body
- menaquinoneVitamin K produced by bacteria in the intestines and essential for blood clotting
- carbon-copyExact replica/duplicate
- rutger-hauerDutch actor who played the replicant Roy Batty in Blade Runner
- stridulationShrill grating chirp produced by a cricket
- tour-de-forceOur defector produced an amazing achievement
- cholecalciferolA compound produced naturally in the skin by the action of sunlight