Solutions propel a boat has 17 entries with similar clues
- flipPropel with finger
- oarsBoat propellers
- bossHub for a propeller
- flickPropel with jerky movement
- oaredpropelled a rowing boat?
- lobbedPropelled in a high arc
- dinghySmall rowing boat or sailing boat
- theturn"the propeller's rotation" - henry james's famous story
- corditeExplosive propellant
- unicycleOne-wheeled vehicle as propelled by acrobats
- cyanogenGas used as rocket propellant
- turbopropJet engine with the turbine coupled to a propeller
- propellerA revolving shaft with two or more blades for propelling an aircraft
- rowing-boatSmall vessel propelled by oars
- step-rocketRocket propelled by successive firings
- reverse-gearDevice for propelling a vehicle backwards
- multistage-rocketRocket propelled by successive firings