Solutions property claim has 27 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- espPsychic's claim, for short
- 5-letter words
- rebutClaim or prove to be false
- rightJust claim
- bluesKing's claim to musical fame
- 6-letter words
- allegeClaim
- abjureSwear to give up a claim
- demandClaim
- 7-letter words
- entitleFurnish with a right or claim
- psychicPerson who claims to have ESP
- professClaim that one has a quality
- 8-letter words
- big-dealExclamation of scorn, belittling a claim
- arrogateClaim Yorkshire town lacks aspiration
- pretenceclaim from priest, figure in eastern church
- 9-letter words
- pretenderClaimant to the throne
- back-downWithdraw opinion or claim
- 10-letter words
- adjudicateDecide between claims or in games
- allegationClaim
- lamarckismtheory to mark claims of falsehood
- 11-letter words
- allegationsclaims everything affected one's gait
- appropriateClaim as one's own without any right to do so
- concurrenceHarmony between attitudes or claims
- 12-letter words
- act-of-graceA privilege that cannot be claimed as a right
- 13-letter words
- self-effacingNot claiming attention for oneself
- sequestrationSeizure of money or property as security against legal claims
- loss-adjusterOne employed by insurance company to assess claims
- 14-letter words
- bleeding-heartSomeone excessively sympathetic towards those claiming hardship
- 15-letter words
- no-claims-bonusA reduction in an insurance premium when no claims have been made during an agreed period