Solutions Protective case has 24 entries with similar clues
- bibbaby's protective item
- skinProtective body covering
- hoodProtective cover
- mailPost protective gear
- apronProtective garment
- bosomprotective centre
- amuletProtective charm
- cordonProtective ring
- gogglesProtective wear for eyes
- lanternLight in a protective casing
- overallProtective clothing
- talismanProtective charm
- hard-hatProtective headgear
- pinaforeProtective garment
- table-matProtective pad placed beneath plates at meals
- armadilloAnimal with protective plates
- sheathingProtective covering or casing
- lead-paintDecorative or protective coating with toxic metal base
- integumentA tough outer protective layer of an animal
- mollycoddleTreat too protectively
- steeltoeshoesFactory worker's protective wear
- battinghelmetBaseballer's protective wear
- overprotectiveExtremely protective
- bulletproofvestCop's protective wear