Solutions Rain in scattered drops has 17 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- dewDrops in the morning
- 4-letter words
- ebbsDrops back
- dripFlow in thin drops
- 5-letter words
- tearsglum drops
- edemaDropsy
- sowedScattered, as seed
- 6-letter words
- oedemaDropsy
- sparseScattered
- strewnScattered
- 7-letter words
- dribbleFlow in thin drops
- sparsermore scattered
- trickleFlow in thin drops
- 8-letter words
- globularShaped like drops of liquid
- sprinkleApply drops of water to
- sporadicScattered
- 13-letter words
- butterfingersA person who often drops things
- 18-letter words
- in-dribs-and-drabsIn small scattered amounts