Solutions Rattle in the lungs has 17 entries with similar clues
- 3-letter words
- antworker without lungs
- 5-letter words
- newtsAnimals that can grow lungs after being born
- clinkRattle
- clankRattle
- 6-letter words
- inhaleTake smoke into the lungs
- maracaRattle
- shakenRattled
- 7-letter words
- clatterRattle
- inspireDraw into the lungs
- nattersRattles on
- 9-letter words
- pulmonaryRelating to the lungs
- pneumoniaInflammation of the lungs
- 10-letter words
- tweedledumThe one who alleged that the other was a rattle spoiler
- sidewinderRattlesnake with distinctive motion
- 11-letter words
- stethoscopeAn instrument used to listen to the heart, lungs, etc.
- 12-letter words
- tuberculosisAn infectious disease that affects the lungs
- 15-letter words
- cardiopulmonaryRelating to the heart and lungs