Solutions Relating to glands has 12 entries with similar clues
- 5-letter words
- sebumOily substance produced by glands
- 6-letter words
- earwaxSecretion from aural glands/lug holes
- smegmaOily substance produced by glands
- testesMale productive glands
- 7-letter words
- tonsilsGlands in the throat
- mammalsvertebrate animals which have milk-producing glands
- 12-letter words
- prickly-heatInflammation of the sweat glands
- 13-letter words
- endocrinologyStudy of glands and hormones
- thyroid-glandGlands regulating growth
- 14-letter words
- mammary-glandsMilk-producing glands in female mammals
- 15-letter words
- pituitary-glandGlands regulating growth
- 16-letter words
- lachrymal-glandsTear glands beneath the upper eyelids